
Tips for Ensuring Your Corporate Catering Event Is a Success

It is the perfect time to celebrate your company’s success, boost morale, and establish strong team cohesiveness with a training meeting, an awards banquet, a retirement party, a team-building, a cocktail hour, or a convention. Whatever your corporate catering event is, keeping things efficient, fresh, and delicious at a competitive price is essential. Here are tips useful for your next celebration:

Prepare the Head Count

The caterer needs to know how many people will be at the event so they can prepare the right amount of food. It is better to overestimate the number of attendees than to underestimate it. The caterer will need to be updated as the event gets closer.

Stick to Your Budget

The event planners need to meet with the people making the decisions for the event to find out exactly what is expected. They need to establish things like what kind of food and what the budget is per person or for the event as a whole. 

Everyone on the planning committee must be aware of this information before meeting with the caterer so that the event can run as smoothly as possible. Once a budget has been set, it’s important to stick to it; this means that the event planners and the caterer must constantly communicate with each other to ensure they’re always up-to-date.

Establish a Theme

The atmosphere of an event can be vital in determining the overall tone and feel of the event. If you are hoping to create a more celebratory atmosphere, then things like applause, awards, and toasts may be more appropriate. 

However, if you want to create a more focused atmosphere, such as for a training seminar or lunch and learn, a more sit-down setting may be more appropriate. It can be helpful to think about your vision and goals for the event when deciding on the best atmosphere, as this can help guide your decisions on things like catering and décor.

Consider Dietary Restrictions

Choosing the right food for a corporate event is crucial because it can make or break the event. You should try to have a variety of food options available so that everyone can find something they can eat, regardless of their dietary restrictions. It’s also a good idea to ask your caterer if they can provide separate meals for employees who have to avoid cross-contamination with meat or gluten. This way, everyone can feel included and valued.

Plan Out the Schedule

Beforehand, find out if any planned events have to happen at specific times. For example, will there be multiple speakers giving speeches or presentations? Are there any “break-out sessions” or built-in transitions that need to be considered? Knowing this information can help you and your caterer decide when food should be available for employees, whether it is a grab-and-go or sit-down situation.

The Perfect Corporate Celebration

Planning a corporate catering event can be a daunting task, but with careful planning and consideration, it can be a successful and memorable get-together for all involved. When planning, be sure to take into account the purpose of the event, the budget, the venue, the catering, and the timeline. With these factors in mind, you can begin planning the perfect event for your company.

If you are looking for a catering company in Surrey, choose The Kitchen. We offer bespoke catering for weddings, private events, and corporate hospitality. Contact us!


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